Friday, June 08, 2007


A friend told me that he is doing network marketing, then I say," Oh, MLM la!!" Seems like a taboo word to my friend, he kept saying the MLM is DIFFERENT from network marketing. Ok.... I decided to do some research.

First, I went to the DSAS(Direct Selling Association of Singapore) to check out more about Multi-Level Marketing, Ponzi Pyramid so on and so forth. There is no mention of the term "network marketing" in the entire website. So is it true that MLM don't = NETWORK MARKETING??

I doubt so. Any mature-thinking adult who has came across MLM or network marketing, or even joined the MLM company, will somehow know that Amway is the oldest MLM (or network marketing) company in the world. DSAS was formed specifically to represent the interest of legitimate direct selling companies operating in Singapore, in this case, MLM companies...

So is Amway a member of DSAS?? Definitely!! So who dares say the Amway is NOT a network marketing company?

If you can click on it and enlarge it, you will be able to see network marketing on the webpage.

So, its really very confusing.... Is the oldest MLM/network marketing company also confused, and they joined DSAS as a member and branding itself of doing 'illegal' MLM? Or has it gone coco?

Hmm... probably the reason is that MLM AND NETWORK MARKETING IS DARN THE SAME!!!

Of course, if I were to type in the term "network marketing", I will definitely get searches that say MLM as well. Do it yourself.

So at the end of the day, why will some sane people say that MLM is illegal in Singapore but Network Marketing is not??

The obvious reason will most probably be that they have no guts to let people know that they are in fact doing MLM, so 'honey-coated' the word "Network Marketing". After all, it is definitely a nicer word to say.

That may be the same as an insurance agent and a financial adviser, is it the same? Hmm... well I will suppose that the jobscope is largely similar. However, that is a "Financial Advisers Act". Why DSAS don't say "Network Marketing" in its website?

So in this case, is MLM a Singapore word, and "network marketing" an ang moh word? You decide for yourself....

Well, a good reason why someone will say that he is doing network marketing but not MLM would probably be that MLM is the nature and structure of the compensation plan.....

"So is it reasonable to say that those people who say that they are doing "network marketing" not MLM, are simply turtles, and are simple not proud of the career that they are having, or they just made a genuine mistake? Its not up to me to comment about it."

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Hasn't been posting original posts, due to many factors... Seriously this is a very 'stressless' and 'undemanding' period for me.... OopS, pardon me, I wrote everything in opposite. Oh DuH, what the heck.

Do I look shag? Yeah Definitely!!! Not enough sleep for da past 2 weeks!!!! ARg!!!!!

Haha, think its been some time since I posted my photo on it.... Comparing with it, I have really lost a lot of weight. Blame it on my poor management of stress!!

Yep, thats about it, will definitely post something longer and more fruitful on SAT, I mUsT!! If I didn't, whoever reads this post, just leave their name and contact number, I will transfer them $5 each!!! THATS PUTTING MYSELF ON THE LINE!!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Life Insurance - Buy Term and Invest the Rest?
By Glenn Lamb

Term life insurance generally provides a death benefit and does not accumulate cash value. Some people believe that it is more cost effective to get a term life policy and put the extra money that whole life would cost into a separate investment. Their slogan is “buy term and invest the rest”. That is over simplifying the subject. For example, invest in what? And how exactly does a particular whole life policy’s features compare to a term plus investment plan? The truth is that there is no single insurance product that is always best for every person and situation.

As a Houston insurance agent, my suggestion is to compare whole and term products if you want life insurance. A good agent should be able to show you rates, and discuss the features and benefits, of different policies. My belief is that my job is to show customers what is available and present options (not to try and sell a customer on any particular product).

Some situations that could favor a term policy include:

· If you want to get the highest amount of coverage for the least amount of monthly payment.
· If you only want life insurance for a certain period of time. (For example 5 years until the kids are on their own, or 10 years until the house is paid for.)
· Certain estate planning purposes. (Consult your financial advisor)
· If you have an investment selected for surplus funds that you feel has an advantage over putting the extra in a whole life product. (For example, if you put the additional available into a 401 plan with the employer matching your investment) (Consult your financial advisor)
· You believe in term vs. whole life. We all have favored products; there is nothing wrong with buying something just because that is what you want!

Some situations that could favor a whole life policy over a term policy:

1. You want a life long policy, or very long term policy. The total cost can be much lower than maintaining term insurance over many years. Some people call this the benefit of owning your policy vs. “renting” a term policy. (Renting is not really an accurate description of having a term policy).
2. You like or want the benefit of your policy accumulating cash.
3. You like or want the benefits of a particular whole life policy. Whole life, and universal life (more flexible whole life policy), often have more features and/or flexibility than term policies. 4. Certain estate planning purposes. (Consult your financial advisor)
5. You want your policy to supplement your income for you or your spouse at retirement. (Not all whole policys have this feature).
6. You believe in whole life vs. term. We all have favored products; there is nothing wrong with buying something just because that is what you want!