Thursday, January 11, 2007

1st week of school is over me (Fri is my off day)! Its back to work again for me, back to California Fitness, to earn my living and for survival ( talk about harsh reality...) Sometimes, I asked myself why I have to do this.... Successful people say to find the work that one is most passionate about, thus working will be like playing, because one really enjoys doing it. Then in the midst, the dough will evantually follow.

However, my question is: "How many of us(especially Singaporeans) really found something we enjoy doing as our work?" I would say about 3%? An example is Adam Khoo, a self-made millionaire at the tender age of 27 (now 31), he made his millions from coaching seminars, public speaking and training, something that he throughly enjoys. But how many of us really think that way? I believe people will say that things like hobbies can't earn one a living. THAT IS SOOO WRONG!! Someone once told me "If you're treating your work as a hobby, you will only earn hobby money, only when you treat it as your heart & soul, as a business, then you will start to make REAL money". Now isn't that the usual case, people treating their job only as a form of passing time, not really working hard, slacking around waiting for time to fly by, and wait for the paycheque to arrive at the end of the month?

I think that is the main reason why most people don't get the recognition or promotion they think they deserve. Doing the mininum will get you nowhere!! Funny that I now realized that only those who spoil the market are the ones that are really successful.... because they are committed to do the things that normal people aren't willing to!!

The reasons why I work when I'm studying? Besides earning money, I wanna start to accumilate wealth and money way before my peers start to. I wanna do a biz during my studies and make money from it. I wanna do the same things as my peers BUT I have more money in my bank account. Anymore? Think I will stop here for the moment... Hehe

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