Thursday, February 22, 2007

I have finished my 7-day mental diet!! Yeah, feeling darn positive right now, and yeah you're darn sure I will be carrying on this wonderful diet!!

If anyone is wondering what this is all about, its about challenging myself to close out all -ve thoughts for 7 consecutive days, only +ve thoughts are allowed into my mind. After 7 days, I really feel so powerful that I can achieve anything man!! This is the limitless power of the human brain.

If you are wondering why am I talking about the mind or something, or have I lose my mind... Well, I am came across this powerful movie called 'The Secret', most discussed on Larry King, Oparh Winfrey, Allen Dengeneres Show, its a documentary about the power of the human mind, and what amazing things you can actually do with it.

I have watched it 3 times, and will definitely be watching more soon!!

Apparantly the actual movie is taken out from Google Video, due to copyright issues. Its being replaced by reviews on The Secret by Oprah Winfrey, which is equally powerful. Listen to the way she talks about this movie, the number of people talking to her about this, how she applies this sub-consciously.

Must watch it!!


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Anonymous said...

It agree, rather useful idea